Beginning Reader
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Dog be gone!The big old dog wants to play. Can the little boy make him go away? AUTHOR
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Henry and his dog Mudge build an indoor castle in this eleventh Ready-to-Read book of their adventures. Henry and his 180-pound dog Mudge are best friends forever. And on a long weekend, they build a glorious indoor castle, complete with knights and kings! AUTHOR
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In 1946, six-year-old Wilma Rudolph dreamed of walking and playing like other children, but a sickness called polio had damaged her left leg. Wilma spent hours each week doing painful exercises at a hospital for African American patients. The rest of the time, she was forced to wear a heavy and cumbersome leg-brace. Still, Wilma never gave up. She knew she could walk again, and if she could walk, ... AUTHOR
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Jackie Mitchell has always wanted to be a great pitcher, and she finally has the chance to become one! In her first minor league game, she is up against two of the greatest home-run hitters of all time--Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig. Does she stand a chance? AUTHOR
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Mistaken as a doll's head in 1991, the Ice Mummy has been frozen for 5,000 years. Written for the first time in an easy-to-read format, this is his story. Color photos. AUTHOR
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Illustrated by Lisa McCue, this simple retelling of the Aesop fable is sure to be a great introduction to these classics for children. Full-color illustrations. AUTHOR
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On a dark, cold, and rainy night in April 1777, Sybil Ludington sets out on a journey to warn American soldiers that danger is headed their way. The British are coming! They have already attacked a nearby town, and it is up to sixteen-year-old Sybil to make sure that she reaches the American soldiers before the British do. With only a large stick to defend herself, and her horse, Star, for company ... AUTHOR
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This funny, entertaining introduction to Ben Franklin and his many inventions includes the story of how he created the "magic square" -- a box of nine numbers arranged so that any line of three numbers add up to the same number, including on the diagonal! A "Step into Reading & Math(" title. Full-color illustrations. AUTHOR
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Born a slave near the end of the Civil War, George Washington Carver was a small and sickly child. Too frail to work in the fields of the Missouri farm where he grew up, George did chores around the house. But when his work was done, he headed for the woods. There his lifelong love of nature was born. As a teacher and scientist at Alabama's Tuskegee Institute in the 1900s, George Washington Carver ... AUTHOR
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From the time he was a young boy on a farm in Alabama until he received his fourth Olympic gold medal in Berlin in 1936, all Jesse Owens wanted to do was run. Overcoming sickness, poverty, and racial discrimination, Jesse worked hard, shattered many track and field records, and earned countless medals and trophies. But perhaps his greatest and most important accomplishment came when he stood up to ... AUTHOR
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Monkey BusinessWhen a glass monkey is stolen, High-Rise Private Eyes Bunny Brown and Jack Jones are on the job! But will this be one case that's too tough to crack? AUTHOR
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Miss Nancy's prized binoculars are stolen, from her 30th story balcony, no less. Who could have snatched them right out from under Miss Nancy's nose? Full color. AUTHOR
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In the heart of the big city live two ace detectives: Bunny and Jack, who crack cases wide open. In their third case, a trombone disappears from Mr. Riley's music store. Who could be taking it--and why? A Junior Literary Guild Selection. Full-color illustrations. AUTHOR
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In 1957, nine teenagers were chosen to be the first black students to attend all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. A small group of people in Little Rock, including the governor of Arkansas, wanted to keep them out. But those nine students knew they had a right to a good education. And they would do anything to crack the wall that had kept black people and white people apart. AUTHOR
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Mr. Putter wants to paint his porch. He has a bucket of pink paint, a big brush, and some rags. And he has Tabby to keep him company. Everything is perfect, until a squirrel scampers onto the porch and catches Tabby's eye. . . . AUTHOR
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As a successful former slave, Clara Brown used her money to help other freed slaves get a new start in life. In 1859 Clara bought her own freedom and headed west to Colorado to find her daughter, who was sold when she was just a little girl. Clara didn't find her daughter there, but she did get rich. The people she helped became her family, and she became known as Aunt Clara Brown. AUTHOR
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Bunny, a rabbit, and Jack, a raccoon, live in the big city. In their fourth case, the duo must uncover who is taking the balloons from outside Mr. Paris's toy store every Friday. Full color. AUTHOR
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Level 2. Suzanne, Max, and Jake are making a pizza. First they mix the dough. Then they add the toppings and cheese. Soon it's ready. Yum! © 2009-2025 Clerestory Learning/Make Way for Books, llc