Beginning Reader
Publisher Summary
"Exciting nonfiction books for kids just beyond the beginner stage can be hard to come by, and the story of the sinking of the "Titanic" and its subsequent rediscovery will be the ticket for both hard-to-please young 'real stuff' buffs and older reluctant readers."--"School Library Journal." Full color. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
A retelling of the classic Bible story with text targeted at beginning readers. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Armed with only a slingshot--and God's protecting love--little David the shepherd boy does away with the wicked giant, Goliath. A favorite story from the Old Testament told with charming simplicity. A Step Into Reading Book. Full-color illustrations. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
"Beginning with the death of Tutankhamen, the book moves forward to archaeologist Howard Carter's discovery of the tomb. Information about ancient Egyptian life is interspersed in a clear, smooth fashion throughout. A good way to get readers into nonfiction".--Booklist. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Illus. in full color. "The tallest person is no taller than a toothpick in the town of Pee Wee, and when Lady Teena is abducted by a dragonfly, a tiny knight, riding his trusty ant, rescues the miniature maiden. This is a hit--an engagingly humorous storyline (set in very large type) features simple words and only a sentence or two per page."--"Booklist. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Vivid watercolors and an intriguing text present one of history's most cunning strategies: the creation of a giant wooden horse to smuggle Greek warriors into the impregnable walled city of Troy. Full color. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
A compelling account, told in easy-to-read format, of a sled dog who led his team over 53 miles of Alaska wilderness to deliver medicine during an outbreak of diphtheria in 1925. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
With the Cat in the Hat explaining the voting process—its history, effects, and opportunity—a somewhat complex concept becomes manageable. Rhyming sequences highlight one idea at a time and eventually broadens focus that invites kids to informed participation whenever the opportunity arises—in school, with friends, or in their community.
Publisher Summary
Level Four How can your tongue tell a sweet taste from a sour one? How do your ears know which way a sound is coming from? Find out in this sense-sational nonfiction book! AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
It is a quiet day on an island. Then suddenly a mountain blows its top! It is a volcano. How does it start? What happens next? Read this amazing book and find out. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Level 2. Pal the Pony is the smallest pony at the rodeo! He's upset because he can't do what the big horses can do. But he discovers there is one thing he's better at than anyone else on the ranch. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
A fascinating look at giant squid, cephalopods in general, and the implications of the discovery of a 25-foot squid off the coast of New Zealand in 1997 will tantalize readers. Color illustrations throughout. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
What makes a pony a pony? How are they different from horses? Filled with loads of interesting facts and bright, realistic illustrations. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
With fun bee facts and bright, realistic artwork, this informative book explores the life cycle of honeybees. Full color. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Cheetah cubs play and purr just like kittens. Someday they'll be able to run faster than any other animal in the world. Read along as cheetah cubs leap and grow in this book. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Delightful story that shows friends can have different ideas but still enjoy each other's company. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
While briefly referencing the events surrounding the Titanic's terrible demise, this book relates the difficult balance researchers seek in preserving the memory of an event, and satisfying public intrigue. An interesting slant to guide young readers' learning. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Pearl and Wagner are back, and they are full of secrets: Wagner tells Pearl an embarrassing secret, Pearl tells Wagner a surprising secret, and Lulu tells Wagner a secret that turns out not to be a secret at all. Pearl and Wagner soon learn that some secrets can bring friends closer together, while others can cause all sorts of trouble. Full color. © 2009-2025 Clerestory Learning/Make Way for Books, llc